Need support to find or get back into employment?
Your Local Area Employment Service (LAES) offers free, confidential job support in Longford and Westmeath.
Our job service is flexible and caring. We consider your life circumstances and listen to what you want and need. Our tailor-made service helps you identify your career plans and achieve your employment goals.
If you are in Longford and Westmeath and would like support finding employment, contact us today.
We offer:
Contact us
If you have an enquiry about this services, please send an email, fill in the form or call us.
You can call us on: 0818 844237
Email us: [email protected]
Fill out the form on the right.
Or call in to one of our centres:
Athlone Seetec Suite 2, Townhouse Centre, St Mary’s Square, Co. Westmeath N37X8H0 |
Mullingar Seetec, 5-7 Austin Friars Street, Co.Westmeath N91 HP28 |
Longford Seetec 4-6, Redleaf House, Townparks, Co. Longford, N39 XV27 |
LAES Sub page form
Are you hiring in Longford or Westmeath?
Your Local Area Employment Service in Longford and Westmeath also offers a free, tailored employment service that matches our job ready clients with employers.
We work to find you suitable local candidates to grow your team. We can also signpost you towards government grants and supports that reward you for helping people into employment.
We also offer in-employment support to ensure that your new team members can succeed in your organisation.
Contact our Employer Services Consultant Helena Foy today via:
Call: 0818 844237
Email: [email protected]
Seetec 4-6, Redleaf House, Townparks, Co. Longford, N39 XV27